Changes in Patent and Trademark law in Panama


Panama has signed an agreement called the Trade Promotion Agreement (Free Trade Agreement) in June 2012 and it became effective in end of October 2012. The trademark and patent regulations in Panama have changed in order to be in compliance with the Trade Promotion Agreement.

Patent law changes are: 
- A simply signed power of attorney without notarization/legalization is due; 
- A copy of Commercial Register Extract from Chamber of Commerce is not required anymore; 
- A system for compulsory licensing must be created, and 
- Minor increase in the official fees. 
Trademark law changes are: 
- A simply signed power of attorney without notarization/legalization is due; 
- A copy of Commercial Register Extract from Chamber of Commerce is not required anymore; 
- Multi-class application is allowed; 
- Registration of trademark licenses is not compulsory anymore, and 
- Minor increase in the official fees. 

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